We are more than just a mother-daughter duo, we are best friends, business partners, dance partners, and more. Despite living on opposite sides of the country, we talk every. single. day.
And we talk about it all: work, life, social media, shopping, family, our hopes, dreams, and goals, nothing is off the table (truly) and we’re inviting you to the chat. This is Yours Truly, a glimpse into what goes on behind the TikToks and inside our conversations together (even the extremely long tangents).

When you join the chat you’re not just a listener, you’re officially a part of the fam.

Latest Episodes

#42 - Croatia, Concussions, and More!

Helen and Juli sit down for a true catch up during this week's episode. We recap Helen's most recent trip to Croatia for work and fun while Juli's been holding down th...

#41 - Questions to Ask Your Loved Ones

Helen is in the driver's seat on this episode, hitting Juli with some big questions about life, their relationship, and more! Take this episode as inspiration to sit d...

#40 - What It's Like Working On Set

This week Helen and Juli provide a behind the scenes look at what it's like working on a TV commercial set. From the early call times, to day to day responsibilities, ...

#39 - How We Get Sh!t Done

This week, Helen and Juli discuss their anxieties and how they manage them to get sh!t done! We discover we both have different stressors, and Juli helps Helen realize...

#38 - The Reality of Long Distance

Things got emotional this week as Helen and Juli talked about their long-distance relationship. Ever since Juli moved to college, she's been away from the East Coast l...

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